
Whether you are a young person looking for support or a parent trying to find the best professional help for your child….. you are in the right place. 

For a number of years, I have specialised in the field of Child & Adolescent Mental Health, working with young people aged 5 – 18 years old and their families. Mental health can impact young people in different ways and at different stages of their development.

With young people facing increasing stress in this modern world, such as social media, peer influences and bullying, it can be overwhelming.

If you’re under 18 start here….

If you’re a young person struggling with your feelings, it can seem like you are the only person who feels this way. Perhaps the way you’re feeling seems to be getting in the way of your relationships with others, your exams or being able to enjoy the things you used to. Being a child or adolescent comes with lots of challenges which can be quite scary. Maybe you’re at a time of life where you’re going through changes, forming your identity, figuring out your path, and you just feel stuck with what to do to improve things. 

It might not be always easy to speak about how you feel to the people around you. Maybe you don’t want others to worry or you hope that things will get better on their own. I am here to let you know that you are far from alone, and to give you hope that things can get better. You don’t have to suffer in silence. 

If you’re a parent or carer….

Parenting is rewarding but also comes with its challenges. You may be concerned about your child’s behaviour and what they’re feeling. It can be difficult to understand what is going on for them or what to do about it. I can meet with you and your child and together we can explore what is going on and what will help.

I offer consultations and sessions for parents, which can be really useful if you’re feeling helpless. Perhaps your child is not ready for any direct therapeutic support right now, and you’re feeling stuck on what options are left to help them. You can benefit from having some advice and support to understand their behaviour, or learn tools and strategies to help talk to them so they feel supported. Working indirectly with parents is incredibly effective for a young person struggling with their mental health.

Issues affecting young people include:

Worries & anxieties

Depression & Low Mood

Intrusive thoughts


Problems with friends or peers

Concerns with school or education


Coping with anger

Sibling rivalry

Confidence & self-esteem

Neurodiversity – Autism & ADHD

Next steps:


Initial phone consultation

15 minutes

All new referrals start with a free brief phone consultation with the parent/carer and the young person if appropriate. This helps to get a sense of the current difficulties for the young person, to see if we’re a good fit to work together and to answer any initial questions you have. All you need to do is fill out the contact form with your details.


Psychology Assessment 

90 minutes

If I can help, I would offer to see you for an initial psychology assessment, which is a sort of introduction to starting therapy. This is where I gather information about the difficulties in detail, understand the family history, childhood development, their interests, as well their hopes and goals for therapy. I usually meet with the young person and their parent/carer together. If it’s appropriate, I also offer some time to see the young person on their own so they have the space to talk more freely. 


Psychological Therapy

50 minutes
from £150

If we agree that therapy sessions will be helpful, we will plan what sort of therapeutic approach and frequency feels right. Usually, I offer a combination of working directly with the young person and with the parent or family so that the young person is feeling supported outside of the therapy. I may suggest to see parents/carers separately for individual sessions to help think about what supporting their child further can look like. Extended family sessions are also offered if required. At times, liaison with schools and multi-agencies may be necessary as part of the treatment. The fee for therapy will be discussed and agreed before starting. 

Please note: payment is required prior to any session booked to confirm your appointment.

Book a free consultation

Fill in the contact form for a free phone consultation to find out what kind of support might be helpful to you and your child. 


48 hours notice is required for all cancelled appointments. Appointments that are unattended, or cancelled without the required 48 hours’ notice will incur cancellation fees.

Private Healthcare Insurance

At Glow Psychology, I am able to provide assessment and therapy funded by recognised insurance providers including BUPA, Cigna, WPA and Vitality.  

“MS is doing great thank you! He doesn’t have any anxiety attacks … He now walks with his friends to school without me and has really grown in confidence. It’s been a great pleasure working with you and I can really see how you had a positive impact on MS’s life, for which I am very grateful”.

VS – Parent of 10 year old